A wasp nest far from your home is not a real nuisance. In fact, it’s even better not to touch it when wasps aren’t disturbing your quality of life. The problem begins rather when these insects install their nest near your property whether on a tree, under the balcony or even on the roof.

Therefore, the presence of wasps can quickly become unpleasant and it is advisable to destroy their nest, either by contacting a qualified exterminator, using an insecticide from the market or using the bag or smoke technique.

In addition, since they are insects of an aggressive nature, they will not hesitate to bite people who disturb them. Unlike bees, wasps do not die after using their stinger. They can therefore sting repeatedly if they feel threatened or simply bothered.

Moreover, the wasp sting sometimes causes severe or even fatal reactions in some people. That is why it is highly recommended to destroy a wasp nest that is located in a passing place near your home.

Many techniques exist to do this, but the best way to proceed is undoubtedly to contact an extermination specialist. This one knows the techniques to get rid of a wasp nest without worries.

Distinguishing a wasp nest from a honeycomb

First, here’s a little reminder about the major differences between a wasp and a bee. In fact, the bee has a stocky black and yellow body that is hairy. It should also be noted that she has a much less aggressive temperament than that of the wasp.

The latter differs from the bee by its hairless body as well as by its yellow color and well-marked black stripes. The wasp is also characterized by a precise separation between its tapered abdomen and its thorax, which is the source of the expression ” to have a wasp size “.

Did you know that the honeycomb is commonly called a beehive ? It is easy to notice cells that are made of wax, propolis and pollen. It is here that bees store, among other things, honey.

As for the wasp nest, it is built using fragments of wood fibers mixed with the insect’s saliva. The texture of the nest gives the impression that it is grayish newspaper.

It is therefore impossible to go wrong between the two types of nests. Be aware that it is much more common to see a wasp nest than a beehive.

Why destroy a wasp nest?

Should you really eliminate the wasp nest you saw? This is the very first question to ask yourself. Indeed, if the wasp nest does not disturb your comings and goings, it is not necessary to remove it.

For example, a family living in the countryside would have nothing to fear from a wasp nest at the end of their land. However, it may be helpful to indicate the location of the nest with a safety sign or tape to ensure that the area is avoided.

Instead, you should intervene when the nest inconveniences your outdoor activities. Note that wasps are not threatened insects and that destroying their nest does not harm their species. So you can delete the nest without problem.

Carry out the destruction of a wasp nest

When the nest is not very large, it is possible to consider destroying the wasp nest on your own. Be aware that it is best to perform everything at dusk or very early in the morning. This is the time of day when wasps are least active.

This intervention is delicate and requires adequate preparation. Be sure to wear long clothing, gloves and a head net. Don’t have a net for your head? Rummage through your closet and use ski goggles or a diving mask. This way, your eyes will be well protected from wasps.

Is the wasp nest difficult to access? Hire an exterminator to reduce the risk of falls and injuries.

Different techniques exist to carry out the destruction of a wasp nest. In any case, be careful not to make sudden gestures and perform the operation calmly.

Place the wasp nest in a bag

One way to eliminate wasps is to put the nest in a bag and then in the freezer for at least 48 hours. This technique is feasible depending on the size, location and structure of the nest.

To unhook the wasp nest, you just need to cut the peduncle that connects it to the tree branch or any other support. Try to tightly close the plastic bag that contains the nest to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Note that wasps are sensitive to both cold and heat. If you leave the bag in direct sunlight, the wasps will eventually die.

Using the smoke technique to drive away wasps

In the event that the wasp nest is small in size and is under a tree branch, you can use the smoke technique. You just have to light a fire under the nest and the smoke will scare away the insects.

During the operation, it is not recommended to stay near the fire. Take refuge inside, but monitor the situation carefully. Wasps will leave their nest to avoid suffocation. Wait an hour or two, then go back outside to detach the nest.

Exercise caution as wasps may still remain in the nest. Prepare a mixture of water and dish soap to spray it on the nest, if necessary.

Use an insecticide against wasps

One of the best methods to get rid of a wasp nest is to spray an insecticide in and near the nest opening. Insecticides in the form of foam make it possible to kill the colony of wasps easily.

In general, you just have to insert the plastic straw connected to the insecticide bottle into the opening of the nest, spray the product and voila! The moss will swell and spread within all the spaces and nooks and crannies of the wasp nest. The insects will get trapped inside and die.

Leave it on one night, then the next day you can unhook the nest to destroy it. Do not forget to perform this procedure carefully and always wearing appropriate protective clothing.

As mentioned above, any action against the wasp nest must be done at dusk. It is therefore necessary to avoid illuminating the nest with a flashlight equipped with too intense lighting. Choose a flashlight with a red filter so as not to create renewed activity.

Contact a wasp exterminator

In some situations, you will have no choice but to seek the services of a professional extermination to eliminate the wasp nest from your property. Whether it is because the nest is difficult to access, too big or you do not want to embark on this delicate operation, know that an exterminator remains the best person to help you.

This expert can get rid of a wasp nest effectively and risk-free. It has the necessary equipment to carry out the intervention safely. Do you have a wasp nest in the ground? The exterminator remains your best ally once again to remove these insects.

Several factors are therefore to be taken into consideration when you want to destroy a wasp nest. You need to evaluate its accessibility, dimensions and ability to perform the operation safely.

Depending on the result of your analysis, you will be able to decide whether you are able to carry out the destruction of the wasp nest. If this is not the case, do not hesitate to call a wasp exterminator who will take care of the task quickly and with ease!

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