In the event of an infestation problem, it is natural to want to fix everything as quickly as possible. Contacting an exterminator, however, requires a little preparation to ensure you select the best professional in the field.

To choose the right pest management company to entrust to this task, a few questions are enough to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Do you have the necessary license or training to practice in the field?
  2. Have you ever treated this type of parasitic infestation?
  3. How will the extermination work take place?
  4. What will be the cost of a pest management operation?
  5. What are your recommendations to avoid a future infestation?

The answers to these questions should be detailed enough to allow you to determine whether you are dealing with an experienced exterminator or not. In this way, you will be able to opt for the extermination service that best suits your expectations and needs.

So here’s a look at what you should learn from a certified exterminator.

Do you have the necessary license or training to practice in the field?

First of all, you should know that professional exterminators must have a permit issued by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques. This permit authorizes the pest management company’s staff to use certain pesticides. This is a basic obligation to allow exterminators to practice their profession and protect their customers against pest infestations. In fact, the use of pesticides registered by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada (PMRA) is the norm.

In addition, the technicians hired by the extermination company must have been trained and certified. Two examinations must be completed to become an exterminator certified by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques for five years.

No mandatory training is currently required, but most extermination professionals have received adequate training in the field. A new curriculum has recently emerged to oversee the profession of exterminator in pest management.

New: an attestation of vocational studies

For about 3 years, a brand new training has been offered to people wishing to specialize in the field of pest management. As part of this course, many skills are acquired in order to practice the profession safely and in accordance with the legal and regulatory framework in force.

The professors come from the field and are therefore well equipped to transmit up-to-date information and concrete examples. Students will learn, among other things, how to:

Prevent infections, contamination and poisoning Identify the main undesirable organisms Determine the nature and causes of pest problems Propose pest management solutions including integrated pest management and follow-up after an intervention

As mentioned, this training is not mandatory, but represents an interesting asset in the curriculum of a professional exterminator.

Have you ever treated this type of parasitic infestation?

During your call, it is always important to validate if the exterminator has already dealt with the type of problem you are facing. Has he ever captured a bat ? Has he ever rid a customer of a mouse or carpenter ant infestation? Regardless of the insect or rodent that has taken up residence in your home, do not hesitate to ask about the professional’s previous experience.

Note that you should not always rely on the number of years the company has been in office. Just because an exterminator has been practicing his profession for ten years does not necessarily mean that he is necessarily the best person to solve your infestation problem.

A specialized exterminator

During your discussion, ask the exterminator about the invasive species that has settled in your home. Depending on the details you give, observe if the exterminator seems to know the subject. If this is the case, it will inform you about the behaviour of the unwanted insect or animal, its reproductive habits, its lifestyle, the damage it can cause or the diseases it can transmit.

Perhaps a visit will be necessary so that he can correctly identify the invasive species. In this situation, check the exterminator’s knowledge when he is on site.

How will the extermination work take place?

This question will allow you to know the working methods and techniques used by the exterminator to get rid of pests. They will tell you if they plan to use traps, pesticides or other means to eradicate the invasive species. They will provide you with more detailed information about pesticides, if applicable.

Also ask for the number of visits needed to get optimal results. Do you have to leave the premises during the operation? This is also information you should know. Be aware that it is quite normal to have to evacuate your property during treatment.

Instructions to follow

Be aware that a competent exterminator will give you clear instructions to follow in order to prepare for the extermination treatment. He will certainly ask you to clean the rooms targeted by the treatment or empty infected drawers or cupboards. It all depends on the insect or rodent that has invaded your home.

Depending on the extermination procedure determined, you will therefore have to follow special guidelines for optimal treatment. The exterminator will also guide you after the treatment to avoid a new infestation.

What will be the cost of a pest management operation?

The costs associated with a pest control treatment vary depending on the insect or rodent involved and the extent of the infestation. In general, a trusted exterminator will offer you a free and detailed quote that they will submit to you for approval.

It should be noted that the rates set out in the quote may also fluctuate depending on:

  1. your geographical location
  2. response times
  3. working methods
  4. the number of visits
  5. Products used
  6. Guarantees
  7. The greatness of the extermination enterprise

Thus, for the same pest, there may be a price difference between pest management companies.

The guarantee offered

As for the guarantee, it is usually listed in the quote and is included in the total price. It changes according to the treatment to be performed. Some pests are tougher to eradicate than others, which is why a guarantee must be provided in the contract.

For example, in the case of bed bugs, it may happen that eggs escape the vigilance of exterminators. In this situation, the warranty allows you to benefit from a free additional intervention to solve the problem definitively.

What are your recommendations to avoid a future infestation?

A qualified exterminator will not only discuss his working methods to eliminate your pest problem, but will also issue recommendations to avoid a second infestation. Some pest management companies even provide their customers with a post-treatment prevention plan. If the exterminator is an expert in the field, he will certainly tell you the most effective techniques to prevent a future infestation.

Once you have all this information in hand, you will be able to select an exterminator with in-depth knowledge and recognized experience. You will therefore be quickly and effectively rid of unwanted insects or animals that have infested your home!

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