An infestation of carpenter ants is a real threat to your home. Attracted to damp wood and accessible food sources, these pests dig tunnels and tunnels in the structure of your home to build their nests.

In the long term, this can weaken the frame and insulation of your property. The work of ants can also cause weakening of walls, floors, roofing and even lowering of windows.

Carpenter ants can also be found on your property, either in your firewood stored outside, in stumps or rotten structures. These elements are real places of choice for these unwanted insects.

Whether these parasites are inside or outside your home, it is essential to put in place certain special measures or to carry out an extermination treatment by a professional to eliminate them.

Discover the different options to consider in order to eradicate the presence of carpenter ants.

Locate the nest of carpenter ants

First, you need to find the location of the nest of carpenter ants. Here are the most common places where it can be found:

  1. within wooden door frames and windows
  2. inside the walls
  3. in the attic
  4. in the basement
  5. in the most humid places in the house

A few signs can help you determine where the anthill is located, such as small piles of sawdust usually placed at the entrance to the nest.

Also take a moment to listen to the activity of carpenter ants. If you suspect that the nest is in the basement walls, use a stethoscope and then hit the surface. Since these insects are sensitive to vibrations, they will become more active and the movement of their countless legs will be noticeable.

It is also important to observe the comings and goings of ants since they will certainly feed on food sources available on your property. When you notice several ants walking one after the other, do not hesitate to follow them. This will help you locate their nest. To ensure the exact location, place sweet baits (fruit jelly or jam) on their way and follow them until they return to the anthill.

Note that carpenter ants are rather nocturnal insects and that you may need to perform these maneuvers at this time of day.

Destroy the nest of carpenter ants

From the outset, you should know that these harmful insects frequently build several nests to ensure their survival. So just because you eliminate one nest doesn’t mean your home doesn’t contain another. To get rid of a carpenter ant infestation, it is therefore preferable to opt for the services of a professional exterminator.

However, if you want to destroy the nest on your own, the best method is to use borax products containing water, oxygen and sodium. Place these baits near the nest for the workers to bring with them. In this way, carpenter ants inside the nest will die little by little. Patience is required to perform this treatment!

In case the nest is outside your property, prepare a bucket of boiling or soapy water, then pour it directly to the targeted location. Repeat this operation several times. Sprinkle the nest with red pepper, bone powder or talcum powder, diatomaceous earth or wood ash for optimal results.

Use natural repellents

This technique allows you to use products that you have on hand. Once you have destroyed the nest, natural repellents placed in the appropriate places can create barriers to stop possible infestations.

However, if you continue to see carpenter ants even after the nest has been destroyed, your work may not be completely done. A pest management expert can then help you quickly locate other nests and effectively solve your problem.

A professional has carried out an extermination treatment of carpenter ants ? Consider putting in place in the following days some natural repellents to keep ants away.

Set up particular spices or herbs

Simply open your pantry to find spices that will be used to repel carpenter ants. For example, cinnamon is an interesting solution to do this. Place small amounts of this spice in bowls that you will place in strategic places.

Remember to repeat the operation frequently since the smell of cinnamon fades over time. You can also do the same with pepper.

Did you know that basil and peppermint are very useful for hunting carpenter ants ? Get seedlings for your garden or use dried leaves in potpourri inside the house. Prepare sachets that you will place near potential entrances where ants could infiltrate.

Contact a professional exterminator

Do you find and destroy the nest difficult to execute? You simply do not have the time to take care of it and you want to delegate the management of your carpenter ant problem to a professional? This is the best solution to treat this type of infestation permanently.

The carpenter ant exterminator knows how to eliminate these invasive insects effectively. They will ask you two specific questions:

  1. When did you see the first ant?
  2. Have you had any problems with water infiltration recently or a few years ago?

He will then analyze your residence carefully and offer you a personalized treatment. The products used by these pest management experts remain safe and have low environmental impact. By favoring an extermination service, you opt for peace of mind!

Do not forget that the implementation of prevention measures in your daily life will allow you not to attract carpenter ants. Consider fixing any moisture problems, plugging cracks, packing your food in airtight containers and especially get rid of rotten wood!

Eliminating the presence of carpenter ants on your own takes time and patience. It is possible to do this, but it depends on the extent of the infestation. In some cases, the help of a professional exterminator is necessary to prevent the problem from worsening. Do not hesitate to have your residence analyzed by an exterminator in order to make an informed decision!

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