A parasitic infestation means that your home is invaded by one or more species of insects or animals causing significant damage and potentially causing risks to your health.

Whether it is an infestation of mice, carpenter ants or bed bugs, it is very important to treat the problem as quickly as possible by contacting a certified exterminator.

However, there are many preventive measures to prevent insects or rodents of this kind from infiltrating your home. It is enough to take good habits and put in place certain strategies to escape these unpleasant situations.

It is certain that these tricks are not 100% guaranteed, but their application will certainly repel most invasive pests.

Here are our best tips to help you eliminate any presence of unwanted insects or animals in your living spaces.

Make the necessary repairs

Did you know that every hole, crack or crevasse represents a potential entry for an unwanted insect or animal ? It is therefore recommended to do inspections at the end of each season to check the repairs to be made. Since a mouse can squeeze through a space as small as a 25-cent coin, be on the lookout for all openings to be sealed, no matter how small.

Also take the time to install the appropriate caulking materials such as weatherstripping for each of your doors and a sealant for your windows.

Don’t forget to inspect your roof and exterior siding for repairs, if necessary.

Inspect the roof of the house

The junction between the roof and the exterior wall of the house is recognized as a place where unwanted visitors sneak in. For example, the mouse can easily infiltrate when a hollow forms in it. It can also enter the residence through the chimney or ventilation valves.

An inspection of your roof and the installation of anti-intrusion screens are therefore two elements to consider to ensure you keep rodents away from your property.

Not comfortable climbing onto your roof or just don’t have the time to do so? Contact a professional exterminator for a complete analysis of your roof and an effective caulking solution.

Maintain the exterior siding

Regardless of the siding that covers your home, multiple gaps or cavities are certainly found to let wires, cables or pipes through. Pay special attention to these areas in order to seal them properly using specialized products.

Simply caulking all of these spaces will keep pests away from your attic or basement.

Keep food tight

It is well known that small rodents as well as insects enter homes to protect themselves or to find food sources. When food is readily available, there’s a good chance you’ll quickly find yourself struggling with a parasite infestation.

Be aware that your food should never be stored in the open. To avoid unpleasant and unpleasant visits, it is strongly recommended to store all your edible products in airtight containers.

This rule is particularly important to respect since parasites are very attracted by the smell of your provisions.

Eliminate disease risks

Another rule of thumb to keep unwanted pests away is to clean your indoor spaces regularly. Be sure to sweep away any food crumbs that have fallen on the floor and not leave a plate with leftover food.

Don’t let food garbage overaccumulate in your garbage can. Take out your waste more often to avoid the arrival of pests.

Eradicating wetlands

Invasive insects are particularly fond of wetlands. For example, carpenter ants love wet wood to establish their nests. This is why it is essential to repair any leaks in faucets or pipes that could create places conducive to insect infestations.

It is also imperative to eliminate sources of stagnant water since these places have ideal conditions for the proliferation of several types of pests.

Control the humidifier

For quick results, a surefire trick to get rid of squirrels is to install a fence all around your garden. It is certain that adding this kind of material to your outdoor yard can change the look. Then choose a transparent fence if you want it to be as visible as possible.

Chicken wire mesh for bulbs is also a good way to avoid squirrel damage. You can also use this technique for surfaces, but do not forget to bend the edges of the wire mesh to block the entry of squirrels from the sides.

Caulking openings

Here is a preventive measure not to be taken lightly. Indeed, controlling the humidity level in your home can greatly reduce the risk of a pest infestation.

Many critters are attracted to wetlands, such as:

  1. Centipedes
  2. carpenter ants
  3. earwigs
  4. woodlice

So be careful to keep the humidity level between 30% and 50% in your home. In this way, you will be spared the presence of these harmful insects.

Implement natural repellents

Many natural tricks exist to repel rodents as well as insects. In general, these are:

  1. place small cottons soaked in essential oil of different odors in the appropriate places
  2. grow certain herbs such as basil or mint
  3. grow special plants such as hyacinth
  4. use ultrasonic or water-based devices

These recommendations will be very useful for you as a preventive measure.

The smell of mint

Peppermint and pennymint are the two most fragrant types of plants to scare away pests. They are effective against mosquitoes, spiders, ants and wasps. You can plant them near your house and you will see that they will spread very quickly.

Another option is to use peppermint essential oil, which is known to keep a ton of parasites away, such as:

  1. Mice
  2. rats
  3. cockroaches
  4. mosquitoes

Apply a few drops of this essential oil on cotton pads and place them near risk areas.

Install pest barriers

To counter pest infestations, nothing better than putting up physical barriers inside or outside your property. For example, you could place:

  1. A fence around your vegetable garden
  2. Wire mesh with very fine mesh on your ventilation ducts or vents
  3. An anti-intrusion mesh on your chimney
  4. mosquito nets

In addition, you could caulk all visible holes and cracks on the exterior siding of your home.

Keep the outside of your home clean

Clean land is less conducive to the arrival of unwanted animals or insects. Take care to clean your yard, trim your lawn and do not leave materials lying around. This way, you avoid creating an attractive site for critters.

Do not forget to use airtight outdoor garbage cans and plug the holes under your shed or patio. Be sure to eliminate places of interest to animals of all kinds.

All of these strategies will allow you to keep pests away from your property. And if, unfortunately, you are struggling with an infestation of mice, spiders or wasps, do not hesitate to contact a qualified exterminator in the field.

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