Even if they are considered pests, wasps play a beneficial and useful role in several ways. They help pollinate, eat unwanted insects and keep our ecosystem in balance.

However, when their nest is too close to our living areas, their presence becomes very unpleasant. A wasp sting can even trigger dangerous allergic reactions in humans. That is why it is better to destroy a wasp nest located near the house.

But, what to do concretely when this situation occurs at your home? Find out below the main methods to get rid of wasps.

Be aware, however, that it is recommended to consult a specialized wasp exterminator if the nest is large.

The different species of wasps in Quebec

Did you know that several hundred species of wasps are present in Quebec? Here are the most common ones that can be observed in the province:

  1. The German wasp
  2. The common wasp
  3. The Eastern Wasp

These three types of social wasps live in colonies and are known to be the most dangerous because of their behavior. The German wasp is reputed to be the most aggressive of these species. We mainly distinguish three forms of wasp nests in Quebec:

  1. aerial nests
  2. Parasol-shaped nests
  3. Underground nests

Aerial nests

Aerial nests look like papier-mâché balls. Wasps collect plant material from various locations and choose a protected environment to build it.

The size of these nests varies according to the number of workers inside. Indeed, you can observe a wasp nest the size of a fist or even a basketball. In the latter case, the nest can then have up to 5000 workers. The larger the nest, the more difficult it can be to destroy it.

It is therefore wiser to contact a pest management company to remove the wasp nest safely.

Parasol-shaped nests

This wasp nest looks like a small beehive. It is very resistant and its size rarely exceeds that of an open hand. It can usually have up to 200 workers.

Parasol-shaped nests are found everywhere, but always sheltered from the rain. It is possible to see them under your balcony, under a shed, inside a tree or under a material leaning against the wall of your home.

Underground nests

Underground nests, built in sandy soils, are home to fearsome wasps . If you find a bee-eater on your property that does not cause any problems, it is advisable to leave it in place until it is abandoned in November or December.

However, wasps can take up residence in quite disturbing places such as a sandbox, an open space on your land or on your mowed lawn. In this situation, eradicating the presence of wasps is preferable and may require the arrival of an exterminator.

Locate a wasp nest

Summer is the perfect season to enjoy your deck and spend time in your backyard. However, if you are still harassed by wasps, it can quickly become painful. You also wouldn’t want your children or pets to suffer the wrath of these pests.

Try to follow the path of the wasps to discover the location of their nest. Can’t do it? Check the most common places where the bee-eater might be:

  1. The roof of your property or shed
  2. Inside a tree
  3. In the sandbox
  4. Near a gutter
  5. On a windowsill
  6. Under the balcony, mailbox or garden table

Once you have spotted it, you can set up your strategy to proceed with the wasp nest . Don’t feel comfortable doing it? Know that experts can take care of the extermination of wasps effectively and quickly.

Eliminate a wasp nest

This is a delicate procedure with certain risks. When you want to take care of a bee-eater yourself, you should:

  1. Avoid shaking or hitting it
  2. Perform the procedure at dusk
  3. Wear protective clothing
  4. Use minimum intensity lighting
  5. Act calmly and make very slow gestures

As you will have understood, it is absolutely necessary to refrain from making sudden gestures when eliminating a wasp nest.

Use a plastic bag

From the outset, this method should be carried out at dusk and only if the wasp nest is easily accessible. Simply take a thick plastic bag to deposit the bee-eater.

This can seem quite risky as an operation, which is why you must protect yourself with long clothes, gloves and a protective net to cover your head. Also make sure your sweater and pants sleeves are tightly closed with an elastic band.

If the nest is large, trust a wasp exterminator instead.

Place a solution of soap and water

Do you want to get rid of an underground wasp nest? In this case, prepare a mixture of 50% water and 50% soap in a bottle. Protect yourself with adequate clothing and wait until dusk to pour the solution at the entrance of the nest.

Do not stay near the bee-eater when you have finished your intervention! Take refuge in your home to avoid being near these pests. Also, remember to keep your pets indoors during the operation.

Use pesticides

In shops, you will certainly find some pesticides that will help you destroy the wasp nest that causes you many inconveniences. Read the pesticide label carefully to understand its use and components. During the procedure, once again prefer long clothes, gloves and a net to cover your head. Be sure to follow the directions on the pesticide bottle to the letter.

Then wash your contaminated clothing and any items that have been in contact with the product, if applicable.

What is the best way to destroy a wasp nest?

Know that a wasp exterminator is an ally of choice when you are struggling with an infestation of these unwanted insects. He is a professional who can solve your problem quickly since he:

  1. has the appropriate equipment to carry out the operation
  2. has the skills to successfully remove a wasp nest
  3. uses specialized products that are not always commercially available and have recognized effectiveness

The intervention of an exterminator will take place safely and you will no longer have to worry about wasps. Finally, even if there are different ways to get rid of a wasp nest, opting for the services of a specialist will allow you to have peace of mind!

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