In Quebec, it has been noted that certain invasive animals or insects are more frequently found inside or outside homes and cause problematic infestations. Four specific pests are considered to be the most common in the province:

  1. The mouse;
  2. The carpenter ant;
  3. The bed bug;
  4. The earwig.

Learning how to identify and repel them will help you prepare yourself if this type of situation occurs in your home.

Be aware, however, that you may still need the services of specialists in the field. Professional exterminators are the best to get rid of a pest infestation quickly and efficiently.

Here are the main invasive species to know about in Quebec.


This small, harmless-looking rodent can cause serious damage to your property if it decides to settle there. Since this animal lives in a large family group, it can quickly invade your home without you having been able to do anything.

The grey mouse, the most common in Quebec, infiltrates the interior of your home to protect itself from the cold and to access food. Since it carries diseases, it can put your health at risk. Indeed, its fur, saliva and droppings can contaminate your food. For example, ingesting a dirty liquid or food could give you salmonellosis disease.

It is therefore very important to keep these unwanted rodents away.

Eradicating the presence of mice

To remove mice from your home, you can always hire a pest management expert. It is also possible to set up some tricks to try to drive away these pests.

For example, you could:

  1. Use natural repellents such as essential oils;
  2. Caulk all potential entry points;
  3. Maintain your property on a regular basis;
  4. Install mousetraps in appropriate locations.

It remains difficult to eliminate the presence of mice since they squeeze through very small cracks and enjoy truly exceptional hearing. They are therefore champions in fleeing threats.

This is why it is preferable to contact a specialized exterminator.

Carpenter ants

The carpenter ant is one of the most harmful insect species in Quebec. As she is particularly fond of damp wood, she builds galleries and digs tunnels that can damage the structure of your home. In the long term, the work of ants can cause weakening of walls, floors, roofing and even lowering of windows.

To avoid this potential damage and substantial repair costs, you have two options:

  1. Opt for the services of a carpenter ant exterminator ;
  2. Use techniques and tools to set up yourself.

This can be very complex if you decide to take care of it yourself and the process usually takes several months.

For results without delay, choose a qualified exterminator instead.

Defeating a carpenter ant infestation

It turns out to be very difficult to eradicate the presence of carpenter ants on your own. The best option to do this is to contact a pest management service.

Carpenter ant extermination professionals have the necessary equipment and the right products to solve an infestation problem easily. It’s a simple and affordable choice!

To avoid this type of infestation, consider putting in place preventive measures to make your home inhospitable to carpenter ants. All you have to do is, among other things:

  1. Avoid the accumulation of rotten wood around your home;
  2. Remedy any moisture problems in your home;
  3. Pay particular attention to water infiltration;
  4. Store food in airtight containers;
  5. Keep the inside of your home clean.

Focus on prevention!


This undesirable and disgusting critter frequently invades gardens and sometimes homes. The earwig likes dark, cool and damp places where it hides during the day. It usually goes out at dusk, in search of food.

The earwig remains useful in the garden since it feeds:

  1. decaying matter;
  2. insect larvae;
  3. of aphid and slug eggs.

However, it also causes many disadvantages to crops, as it can:

  1. chew tender shoots;
  2. feed on the leaves of vegetable plants;
  3. eat the leaves of ornamental flowers.

Earwigs do not transmit diseases and are not actually dangerous, but their strong presence can become unpleasant.

Keep earwigs away

There are various ways to repel earwigs. However, since they are beneficial insects for the environment, it will be preferable to reduce their population and not to eradicate them completely.

To do this, here are some things to try:

  1. Fill saucers with fish oil to attract earwigs and then remove them by immersing them in soapy water;
  2. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth where earwigs usually circulate;
  3. Place unrinsed frozen juice boxes filled with two-thirds soapy water.

To prevent earwigs from coming into your garden, be sure to harvest ripened vegetables quickly and remove weeds. The cleaner your garden is, the less inviting it will be for these unwanted insects.

Bed bugs

In recent years, bed bug infestations have greatly increased in many cities in Quebec. This parasite is carried into homes through suitcases, bags and other infected items. Then, it usually settles in bedrooms where it feeds on the blood of sleepers.

Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye, so it remains easy to see their presence. In addition, their bite may be followed by small red macular spots accompanied by intense itching such as an erythematous rash or generalized hives.

Treating a bed bug infestation requires the intervention of pest management experts who will solve the problem quickly.

Fighting an invasion of bedbugs

Once you have called a bed bug exterminator, he will go there to analyze the situation. He will then advise you on the best treatment to perform, namely:

  1. Treatment with specialized or chemical products;
  2. Treatment with thermal heat.

All products used by pest management companies are approved and safe for both humans and pets.

For thermal heat treatment, the exterminator will use specialized equipment to do this. He will explain in detail all the steps to follow in order to carry out an effective bed bug extermination.

These common parasites of Quebec no longer hold any secrets for experienced exterminators! Know that these professionals in the field are extremely well equipped to counter these invasive species. To save time, choose the services of a qualified exterminator!

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