Many cities in Quebec are facing an increase in the presence of bed bugs in different apartment buildings. Several factors can explain this phenomenon, including tourism, transport, trade or removals. Indeed, these pests are transported from one place to another through suitcases, bags and other infected items.

Since bed bugs are visible to the naked eye, it is easier to notice them and especially to take action as quickly as possible to eliminate them. But, what should you do concretely when you suffer a bed bug infestation?

It is enough to call on a certified exterminator who is the best expert to proceed with the extermination of bed bugs.

This is the easiest and fastest solution to solve your problem.
Here is everything you need to know in order to properly prepare your property before the arrival of the exterminators.

Clean bedbug-infested areas

First, get airtight bags of different sizes to insert the contents of desks, cabinets and closets. Then, make sure to close everything and place the bags in the bathtub so as not to interfere with the work of the exterminators.

However, certain measures must be respected with regard to clothing and bedding. Indeed, it is absolutely necessary to wash everything before the visit of experts in the extermination of bed bugs. Once you have deposited all contaminated textiles in bags, the contents must be emptied directly into the washer.

You should never use unwashed clothing after treatment for bed bug infestation. If items have holes or are heavily infested like your mattress, you may need to throw them away. Consult your exterminator if in doubt.

Wash all infested textiles

The best way to eliminate bed bugs from your clothes, sheets or blankets is to clean them with very hot water in the washer. The water temperature should reach about 60°C (140°F). It is essential that the water completely covers all the items.

This can be difficult in the case of a front-end washer, which is why it is also important to dry infested items for at least 30 minutes at maximum temperature.

Some things cannot be cleaned in the washer such as shoes, hats or belts. You can then place them in the dryer for about 45 minutes at very high temperatures.

Steam cleaning

Another method used is to treat contaminated objects and textiles with a steam cleaner. Move your bags of infested items into one room and steam treat each item. Note that the steam temperature must reach a minimum of 48°C (118°F).

Proceed slowly in order to carry out a thorough treatment. For example, bed bugs are known to die after 20 minutes of heat exposure at a temperature of 118°F.

Perform cold treatment

If the bed bug infestation occurs during the winter, know that it is possible to leave your airtight bags outside for 2 to 5 days. At a temperature of – 10 ° C, bedbugs will die after 5 days while at – 30 ° C, it will only take a quarter of an hour to exterminate them.

The freezer is also an option to consider, but you need to own one large enough to spread textiles without compacting them. If this is the case, leave them inside the freezer for at least 4 days, at a temperature of at least -18°C, for good results.

Some freezers do not reach this temperature so check everything before proceeding.

Vacuuming thoroughly

The vacuum cleaner does not kill bed bugs, but certainly reduces the number. Take a full tour of each piece and go with precision. Here are all the places you need to go:

  1. Wall borders;
  2. Mattress;
  3. Couches;
  4. Box;
  5. Bed bases;
  6. Electric baseboards;
  7. Window edges;
  8. Headboards;
  9. Upholstery;
  10. Electrical outlets;
  11. Carpet.

Be sure to clean everything rigorously as well as any other object that offers a dark and narrow place where bed bugs can hide.

Do not forget to throw away the vacuum cleaner bag right away since as mentioned, bed bugs will not be dead. Seal the bag with adhesive paper and throw it in the garbage.

Then, wash the floors before the passage of bed bug exterminators.

Prepare the rooms of the house for the arrival of the exterminator

Do you believe that some objects are not contaminated by bed bugs? Don’t be fooled by your instincts! Do not make a distinction and empty all the contents of your cabinets, wardrobes, drawers, bedside tables, etc. Keep all your items in airtight bags.

Then, move the furniture about 30 centimeters away from the walls so that the exterminators can do their work with ease. Also, remember not to leave any food in the open air.

The last step is to increase the temperature of the rooms to 25°C and close all windows.

Follow the procedure after the extermination of bedbugs

Finally, qualified and competent exterminators have successfully treated your bed bug infestation problem! However, remain attentive to their instructions to respect the post-treatment measures. Indeed, they will certainly make you some recommendations that could look like these:

  1. Wait a certain amount of time before returning to your residence;
  2. Ventilate all treated parts;
  3. Avoid walking barefoot on the floors of treated rooms for a certain period of time;
  4. Conduct regular checks of treated areas for bed bugs, if applicable;

Once the deadline has elapsed, you can put all your personal belongings back in place.

Put measures in place to prevent a bed bug infestation

In order to avoid a second bed bug infestation, the exterminator will certainly advise you some simple measures to apply. It is important to know that no one is immune to these invasive insects and that it is possible to reduce the risk of infestations.

If you limit the places where they can hide and pay more attention to the items you bring home, it will already give you a good boost.

Conduct periodic inspections of your property

After an extermination of bed bugs, it is still wise to inspect your home thoroughly. Examine previously treated areas and do this at regular intervals for a certain period of time. Look for signs that represent the presence of bed bugs, such as:

  1. black or brown dots on bedding (dried blood or feces)
  2. whiteheads (eggs, harder to see)
  3. live or dead bed bugs.

If you find bed bugs shortly after the exterminators have passed, contact them again to explain the situation.

Protecting contaminated areas

Some items exist to make your environment safer following a bed bug infestation. For example, you can protect your mattress with an anti-bed bug cover. Also consider reviewing your cleaning routine for a few weeks. Indeed, it is preferable to vacuum daily after an extermination treatment.

It is also advisable to place the legs of the bed in jars containing a little baby powder. This natural repellent is a means of protection that will intercept bed bugs, if necessary.

You now have everything in hand to prepare for the arrival of an experienced exterminator. It will easily eradicate the presence of bed bugs in your home. You can then sleep with peace of mind!

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