Have you seen a mouse inside your property or near your garden? Be aware that even if this small rodent seems harmless, it could cause you a lot of trouble.

This pest carries various viral, bacterial or parasitic diseases, transmissible to humans. It is also known to cause considerable damage when it decides to establish its nest in a house. For these reasons, it is still preferable to repel or eliminate these rodents quickly.

For an effective intervention without delay, calling on professional mouse exterminators remains the best solution. There are, however, some practical tips to put in place in order to get rid of mice.

Here are 5 tips that will definitely help you solve your mouse problem.

Use natural repellents against mice

Traditional grandmother’s remedies to hunt mice, is it possible? Yes, indeed, these natural repellents concocted at home remain particularly effective. Some of these mixtures can kill the rodent or scare it away for sure. As his sense of smell is highly developed, he will be bothered by strong odors and will certainly pass his way.

To do this, the main products to be used are:

  1. Essential oils;
  2. Cayenne pepper and cloves;
  3. Bay leaves, mint or sage;

You rather proceed with the extermination of mice permanently? Baking soda is the best way to achieve this.

Essential oils

You just need to have small cottons soaked in a few drops of essential oil in the appropriate places to keep the mice away. The smells that give the most results are:

  1. Eucalyptus;
  2. Peppermint;
  3. The laurel;
  4. Hyacinth;
  5. Cloves;
  6. Sage;
  7. Lavandin.

You can also place your cotton balls in drawers or cupboards. In fact, the idea remains to distribute them in all the corners potentially accessible to mice.

A potpourri

Using spices available in your pantry, you can make a potpourri whose smell will be hated by your unwanted roommates. In a bowl or canvas bag, mix 30 ml of cloves and 30 ml of cayenne pepper. Repeat everything several times to place your medleys in the four corners of the house.

Plant leaves

Don’t have essential oil on hand? Be aware that you can use bay leaves, sage or mint. Simply moisten them slightly and crush them a little. Then place them on the mouse passage areas.

Baking soda

To combat the presence of mice in your home, a mixture of baking soda, flour, sugar and water will eliminate them permanently. In terms of quantity, you will need 1⁄2 cup of baking soda, 1⁄2 cup of sugar, about 1⁄3 cup of flour and a little water.

You need to be able to form a paste and make small balls. However, the rodent must ingest a good amount to die.

Seal all entry points

Whether you want to prevent or stop a mouse infestation, it is still very important to remove all access areas where these rodents could infiltrate.

Be aware that a mouse can squeeze into a space as small as a 25-cent coin for adults or a 10-cent coin for younger ones. So be on the lookout for any cracks, holes or crevices, visible inside and outside the house.

Caulk everything carefully and leave no entrances accessible for these harmful rodents. There are also anti-intrusion fences that are frankly useful and are easily found in shops.

Maintain the garden and the house

To avoid a mouse infestation, keep your indoor and outdoor spaces as clean as possible. Cut the tall grass on your property which will prevent the mouse from settling near your property.

Don’t leave trash lying around in your backyard or balcony. If a garbage bag is in front of your door, the smells of food will attract mice not far from your home.

Also keep your cereal boxes closed in your pantry and use airtight jars for your food. Same thing for your indoor and outdoor garbage cans, make sure they are tightly closed.

Put mousetraps in the appropriate places

During a mouse infestation, different types of traps can be used to get rid of these harmful rodents , including:

  1. Traps with bait (glue or spring);
  2. Ultrasonic traps;
  3. Electric traps;
  4. Live mousetraps;

When it comes to bait, choose foods that project a strong smell such as:

  1. peanut butter;
  2. bacon fat mixed with oatmeal;
  3. raisins;
  4. jujubes;

Don’t forget to check the traps every day to see if you’ve managed to catch any mice.

If you opt for an ultrasonic trap instead, you will keep the mice away thanks to a sound frequency of 10,000 Hz that is completely unbearable for these rodents.

As for the electric trap, it will kill the mouse that will enter it instantly.

You don’t want to harm these pests? The ultrasonic trap as well as the live mousetrap will be your best allies.

Forget your cat's hunting soul

Many people believe that their cat is the solution to a mouse infestation problem. Know that your cat will never replace a real mouse exterminator. Its presence will still help repel mice since they will recognize its particular smell. They will therefore associate the territory occupied by your cat with a potentially dangerous area to avoid.

You should also know that not all domestic cats have a developed hunting spirit. Some will even let mice pass since they will not feel the need to feed themselves this way.

Cat litter to keep mice away

Did you know that your cat’s litter box is an excellent mouse repellent? Since the mouse has a developed sense of smell, it will not only smell the presence of the feline, but also the litter box contaminated by the smell of your cat. You can dispose of small amounts where the mouse moves. The more fragrant the litter, the more effective it will be. Add a few drops of white vinegar to make the litter even more odorous.

As you may have noticed, there are various methods to deal with a mouse infestation. Whether through natural products, commercial traps, preventive habits or the presence of your cat, you are spoiled for choice to try to eradicate harmful mice.

However, you do not want to embark on such a process? Remember that a pest management company will certainly be able to help you exterminate the mice that have invaded your property.

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