abeille infestation

How to get rid of wasps in a safe and environmentally friendly way

Wasps are part of the Hymenoptera insect family, as are bees. They play an important role in the ecosystem as predators of other insects. However, their excessive presence can cause problems in populated areas.

Why get rid of wasps in an environmentally friendly way?

It is essential to get rid of wasps in an environmentally friendly way for several reasons. First, the chemicals used in insecticides can be harmful to human health and other beneficial insects such as bees. In addition, wasps play an important ecological role as natural predators. It is therefore preferable to favor environmentally friendly methods to keep them away from our homes.

Identification of wasps

Bee extermination

Before implementing elimination methods, it is important to know how to identify wasps. They have a slender body, usually striped with black and yellow. Their size can vary, but in general, they measure between 1 and 2 centimeters in length.

The dangers posed by wasps

Wasps can be dangerous in case of sting, especially for allergy sufferers. Their bites can lead to severe allergic reactions or even anaphylactic shock. It is therefore important to take measures to avoid dangerous encounters with wasps.

Methods to keep wasps away naturally

Clean attractive areas

Wasps are attracted to sweet smells and food waste. To keep them away, it is essential to maintain rigorous cleanliness in outdoor areas, especially when dining out. Clean garbage cans regularly and make sure food is properly covered.

Use natural repellents

Some natural repellents can help keep wasps away. You can use products such as peppermint, lemongrass or geranium essential oil, which you can spray in areas where wasps are present. These strong odors will keep them at bay.

Making wasp traps

Wasp traps are an effective and environmentally friendly method of reducing their population. You can make a simple trap using an empty plastic bottle. Cut off the top of the bottle and turn it over to form a funnel. Fill the bottom of the bottle with a sweet bait, such as fruit syrup or sweet juice. Wasps will be attracted to the bait and will be trapped inside the bottle.

Call on an environmentally friendly professional

If you are facing a significant wasp infestation or are not comfortable eliminating them yourself, it is recommended to hire a professional who specializes in environmentally friendly management. These experts know the appropriate disposal methods that minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Precautions to be taken when removing wasps

When implementing disposal methods, it is important to take certain precautions to avoid bites. Wear protective clothing, such as long pants, long sleeves, gloves and a face net if necessary. Perform the elimination actions early in the morning or late at night, when the wasps are less active.


It is quite possible to get rid of wasps in a safe and environmentally friendly way. By cleaning attractive areas, using natural repellents and making traps, you can effectively reduce their presence. If necessary, hire an environmentally friendly professional for greater disposal. Do not forget to take the necessary precautions when removing wasps to avoid bites.


Q: Are wasps dangerous to health? A: Wasps can be dangerous if stinged, especially for allergy sufferers. Their bites can lead to severe allergic reactions.

Q: Are natural repellents effective in keeping wasps away? A: Yes, some natural repellents, such as peppermint or lemongrass essential oil, can help keep wasps away. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the situation.

Q: When should I hire a professional to eliminate wasps? A: If you are facing a significant infestation of wasps or if you are not comfortable disposing of them yourself, it is best to hire a professional who specializes in environmentally friendly management.

Q: Are wasps beneficial to the ecosystem? A: Yes, wasps play an important ecological role as natural predators of other insects. However, their excessive presence can cause problems in populated areas.

Q: Will the wasps return after they are eliminated? A: Eliminating wasps may reduce their presence, but they may return if nesting conditions are still present. It is important to take preventive measures to avoid reinfestation.

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