A cockroach infestation can quickly escalate since the reproductive capacities of this insect are extremely fast. Indeed, a pair of cockroaches usually produces several thousand babies per year. Enough to invade a residence in a very short time!

In addition, the cockroach, also called German cockroach or cockroach, is a dangerous parasite since it is a vector of diseases. Its presence can also cause stress, fear and various health complications for the occupants of an infested property.

That is why it is necessary to retain the services of a qualified exterminator in order to carry out specialized treatment to eradicate cockroaches. However, the extermination of these insects will not be possible without some preparatory work.

Tenants or landlords struggling with such a problem must therefore perform a few specific tasks to ensure the success of the treatment.

Here is the procedure to follow in order to prepare your house or dwelling for a cockroach extermination procedure.

Clean the residence

The cockroach is attracted to warm and humid places. This is why she favors certain spaces in the house to take refuge such as the kitchen, bathroom or basement. As these rooms usually provide access to water and food sources, this allows it to feed and reproduce in optimal conditions.

Note that the presence of cockroaches does not correspond to a sign of uncleanliness. Regardless of your type of residence, it is possible that you have transported one of these insects without realizing it. These insects move quickly and can climb on any surface.

If you are a tenant, a neighbour struggling with a cockroach problem can become the cause of a common infestation in the building if no treatment is carried out. In the event that this type of situation occurs and an exterminator must arrive in your home, start by performing a general maintenance of your home.

For each part, perform the following tasks:

  1. Eliminate food sources
  2. Plugging water leaks
  3. Washing floors
  4. Vacuuming every nook and cranny
  5. Throwing away waste and recycling
  6. Leave at least 6 inches around baseboards
  7. Move bulky items
  8. Rid your home of piles of unused newspapers or cardboard boxes
  9. Empty the contents of your cabinets and drawers
  10. Clean all surfaces and interiors of cabinets and drawers
  11. Place the contents of your pharmacy in the bath
  12. Group the furniture in the center of each room

These preparatory steps will allow the exterminator to accomplish his work without difficulty.

Pay special attention to the kitchen

The German cockroach is very fond of cooking since it usually finds easily accessible foodstuffs. This is the room where she is most likely to be. That is why you should prepare this room with extreme attention. You should:

  1. Empty and clean all drawers and cabinets
  2. Place the contents on the kitchen table and cover with a sheet
  3. Move food from the pantry away from the processing area, outside if possible
  4. Place packaged food in paper or plastic bags in airtight containers
  5. Clean behind oven and refrigerator
  6. Wash all greasy surfaces such as stove, walls, range hood, countertop, etc.
  7. Vacuum meticulously throughout the kitchen, under furniture and in cracks

Some household tasks are to be preferred on a monthly basis, and this, as a preventive measure such as cleaning the areas behind the appliances.

Eliminate the presence of cockroaches

Before the arrival of the exterminator, it is recommended to vacuum every nook and cranny of your home to suck the cockroaches or their eggs. Once this work is done, be sure to place the device bag in a second airtight bag and then place it in the outdoor garbage can. Don’t forget to disinfect your vacuum cleaner.

Also take a moment to wash your bedding and that of your pet, if applicable. These preparatory steps can encourage pests to leave their refuge so note the list of places where you notice their presence. This information will be very useful for the specialist who will perform the cockroach extermination procedure.

It is advisable not to use vinegar, bleach or insecticides in stores in order to eliminate cockroaches. Improper application of these products could contribute to the spread of cockroaches in your home and thus aggravate your problem.

Remove water sources

As cockroaches love damp places, it remains essential to eliminate water sources in your home and block certain accesses. Indeed, it is suggested to place a mesh on your drains and install grids in the opening of your faucets.

Repairing faucet leaks and damaged piping is also an essential part of the process. Also, when taking a shower or bath, remember to run the fan so you don’t let moisture build up.

A good option to consider is to get a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity in your home. Note that the <ideal span rate is 45%. You can also open your windows regularly to ventilate your spaces and thus reduce humidity.

Leaving the residence during extermination treatment

Usually, only the exterminator is present during the extermination treatment against cockroaches. This professional has the equipment required to protect himself and apply the necessary products. You must therefore be away from home during the treatment and also for a minimum of 8 to 12 hours following the extermination of cockroaches.

Some people such as pregnant women, people with respiratory problems or severe allergies as well as children under 2 years old, must leave the residence for 24 hours.

Once the job is done, you will finally be rid of these horrible parasites. The preparation carried out before the arrival of the exterminator plays a major role in the success of the extermination treatment and it is therefore necessary to proceed with each of the steps carefully. The exterminator will also give you some tips to avoid a future infestation so that you never have to live such an experience again!

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