proliferation rats

Eco-friendly methods to dispose of rats in a safe and environmentally friendly way

Rats are common pests that can cause many problems in our homes and gardens. However, using toxic chemicals to remove them can have harmful consequences on the environment and our health. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly and environmentally friendly methods to get rid of rats safely and effectively. In this article, we will introduce you to some of these methods.

1. Manholes and entrances

Rats tend to use manholes and openings in building foundations as entry points. A first step is to inspect and repair all cracks and openings that could allow rats to enter your property. Also make sure that the protective grilles on the manholes are in good condition and properly installed.

2. Elimination of food sources

food cheese rats

Rats are attracted to readily available food sources. It is therefore essential to maintain rigorous cleanliness in your home and garden. Store food in airtight containers, clean up spills and food residues regularly, and make sure garbage cans are securely closed. By limiting access to food, you will make your property less attractive to rats.

3. Rat traps

Rat traps are an environmentally friendly and non-toxic method of capturing rats. You can opt for live capture traps that release rats away from your property, or spring-loaded rat traps that eliminate them quickly. Place traps along walls, in places where you have observed rat activity. Be sure to check the traps regularly and take the necessary measures once the rats are captured.

4. Natural repellents

Some natural repellents may also be effective in deterring rats. For example, the smell of vinegar, peppermint oil, or cotton balls soaked in peppermint essential oil can keep them at bay. Place these repellents near areas where you have noticed rats.

5. Regular cleaning of the garden

Rats like to hide in bushes, piles of wood and areas of dense vegetation. By keeping your garden clean and well maintained, you will reduce potential hiding places for rats. Prune shrubs, remove plant debris and keep the garden tidy.

6. Call on professionals

If, despite all the precautions taken, you are unable to eliminate rats in an environmentally friendly way, it is recommended to seek the help of pest control professionals. They will be able to assess the situation, propose suitable solutions and implement environmentally friendly methods to safely eliminate rats.

By using these eco-friendly methods, you will be able to eliminate rats in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Remember that perseverance and prevention are essential to maintaining a rat-free property.

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