Experts in the extermination of silverfish

Refuse to be invaded by silverfish!

Silverfish are part of the order Zygentomas. Very similar insects are thermobies and paper silverfish. The latter are found more in drier regions and eat mostly paper. Thermobies prefer a higher temperature and are more often found in private homes.

What types of silverfish infest our living spaces and what is their life cycle?

Of singular physical appearance, silverfish is about twelve (12 mm) long. Its body is torpedo-shaped with three long hairs at the end of the abdomen. It has no wings but long antennae. The silverfish has a shell with a silvery reflection.

The eggs are white, oval and about a millimeter long. They can hatch in a week or a month, depending on weather conditions. The nymph moults periodically as it develops.

Silverfish are long-lived insects. They can live from two to eight years, depending on their environment. They continue to molt even when they are adults, which is unusual for an insect.

What are the damages related to the presence of silverfish?

Silverfish is a common problem in living spaces. Silverfish especially. Silverfish are not really dangerous but can be disturbing. It’s not nice to have silverfish roaming your bathroom and really unhygienic when they wander through your food reserves.

Silverfish become a threat if infestation by a large number of individuals. They are mainly present in damp corners of 75% to 85% humidity (bathrooms, toilets, cellars or kitchen cabinets). Even in new constructions, they gladly settle there because the buildings still contain a lot of moisture.

Silverfish are active mostly at night and tend to hide from daylight. If their hiding place is discovered, the silverfish will immediately look for a new one. Silverfish often move into your home with the transportation of food, moving crates, furniture, old books, old paper or old clothes. As their skeleton is very fragile they are easily crushed. The remaining dusty substance can create nuisances.

Silverfish feed on natural foods, such as flour, rot, dead insects or food scraps. If they prefer starchy foods, they are able to digest cellulose which can cause damage to paintings, books or wallpaper.

In companies it is also possible to find silverfish in archives, where they can damage important documents. Silverfish can not only destroy your material possessions but also your reputation. If your eyebrows problem is really important, this can cause a loss of customers and revenue.

What is the habitat of silverfish?

They are present in private homes as well as in companies. They hide in books and paper files, curtains, paintings, fabrics, carpets but also in coffee, sugar, pasta and other foodstuffs.

Fight silverfish professionally?

Anti-seizure products, such as insecticide sprays, can help control a few types of species. But if you are faced with larger infestations or re-infestations after treatment, it is advisable to seek professional pest control.

Our technicians use the exact doses needed to combat silverfish, no more and no less, thus guaranteeing a minimal impact on the environment. Our service is fast and efficient and guarantees you safety for your family and pets. You will not suffer any disturbance by the treatment against silverfish.

Contact an extermination specialist for more information on silverfish and damage for a more definitive solution.

What damage can silverfish cause in your home?

Silverfish are well hidden in unreachable cracks and cracks, dark and preferably a little damp. They are also found behind skirting boards and ventilation openings. The following tips help keep people under control:

  1. Good hygiene, even if they very often hide in unreachable places
  2. Keeping room temperatures low
  3. Reduce humidity as much as possible by good ventilation and the use of a dehumidifier
  4. Plugging cracks and cracks prevents propagation

In case of a severe infestation here are the measures to take:

  1. Pest identification – using a professional
  2. Use of the appropriate insecticide
  3. Impeccable hygiene
  4. Keep a fairly low temperature
  5. A silverfish does not survive in a humidity level below 50% (avoid any source of moisture)
  6. Ventilate enough to lower humidity
  7. Seal cracks and cracks to prevent them from spreading
  8. Schedule a regular inspection by a qualified technician

Contact Extermination Pro-Nature’s qualified exterminators without further delay to solve your silverfish infestation problem!

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