Experts in the extermination of woodlice

We stop any invasion of woodlice in your places of residence!

It looks like an insect but in reality, it is one of the few terrestrial crustaceans. Very common in our gardens, the woodlice gets into a ball when danger lurks. Useful in the vegetable garden, it can become invasive in the house. Zoom on a small animal that colonizes dark and damp rooms.

What types of woodlice infest our living spaces and what is their life cycle?

Woodlice belong to the suborder Oniscoids, which is the largest group of terrestrial crustaceans. There are more than 3,000 species of woodlice in the world. Among the many species is the woodlice (Armadillidium vulgare). It is one of the arthropods whose common characteristics are:

  1. A segmented shell;
  2. A rigid external skeleton (exoskeleton) that forces the animal to moult frequently during its growth;
  3. A body divided into head, thorax and abdomen;
  4. An open circulatory system.

Measuring about one meter fifty centimeters long, the woodlice has seven (07) pairs of locomotor legs (or pereiopods) and five (05) pairs of pleopods that are actually gills. Depending on the species, its color varies from yellowish to pale brown, gray to black, and can also be almost transparent.
Its lifespan is between two and four years if it does not cross the path of one of its many predators that are the toad, the lizard and some spiders.

What damage do woodlice cause in our living spaces?

From its aquatic origins, the woodlice is endowed with a vital need for moisture so that its skin does not dry out. For the same reasons, it avoids light and prefers to frequent dark environments such as tree bark, leaves, rocks, flower pots, dead wood, trumpet mushrooms. The crustacean is also tempted to live in a house that meets its criteria of humidity and darkness.

The woodlice diet consists mainly of dead plant matter such as fallen leaves, wood, bark and fungi. If food runs out, the crustacean is able to consume animal matter provided that it is decomposing: insects or small dead reptiles that it will fragment into tiny pieces before ingesting.

The woodlice is a detritivore: it feeds on plant detritus of all kinds and as such, gladly frequents compost. By consuming them, the crustacean accelerates their decomposition while its droppings will naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen and other compounds found in fertilizers.

How to fight woodlice?

As seen above, woodlice generally live in communities in damp and/or poorly maintained places. If there are really too many, you can take several actions.

Maintenance of the house.

Look for the causes of moisture, ventilate and dry as much as possible. If necessary, install a dehumidifier. In the cellar try to ventilate as much as possible and let in the light. Also be sure to remove mold regularly, both on the floor and on the walls.


It is possible to get rid of woodlice by spraying repellents against crawling insects. There are also natural solutions composed of neem essential oil or neem, a tree native to India that has multiple insecticidal and pesticide properties. For more effectiveness, the treatment should last between two weeks and a month.


If there are no insecticides against woodlice, diatomaceous earth represents an ecological and natural solution especially used in organic farming to fight against creeping.


These microscopic algae of organic and fossil origin are not selective and can therefore eliminate harmful insects such as those considered useful.

Two tips.

The first is to place a damp log of wood in the infested area and wait a few days. It will then be enough to take out the log with its occupants and place it in a corner of the garden. The second trick is to arrange in the wettest places potatoes cut in half and emptied.

If your home continues to be infested, only an extermination specialist can provide you with a more definitive solution.

What damage can woodlice cause to your health?

The woodlice does not pose a danger to humans. It does not sting, dirty, attack the wooden structures of houses or food reserves.

But then where does man’s revulsion against him come from? Simply the invasion that it can represent if it grows in large quantities in homes.
It’s a good sign to see colonies in the damp corners of your garden or vegetable garden. Its presence also shows that the environment in which it lives is healthy, because it dies quickly in contact with heavy metals.

Only real problem is that an invasion of a line of woodlice can quickly become oppressive. In addition, in your garden, its presence also attracts many predators such as hedgehogs, frogs and toads, small snakes and of course many birds.

Contact our exterminators now for more information!

A visit from our exterminator is a must

You are not sure if they are woodlice, call professional exterminators who are equipped to deal with this kind of problem:

  1. Efficient exterminators with recognized know-how (registered, licensed, insured and guaranteed)
  2. Outstanding customer service;
  3. A personalized treatment of optimal guarantee according to your situation;
  4. Preventive advice (instructions for bed bug prevention)
  5. A free quote followed by a detailed analysis report.
  6. High-end equipment (unidentified vehicles for total discretion)

Contact Extermination Pro-Nature’s qualified exterminators without further delay to solve your carpenter ant infestation problem!


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