Experts in wasp extermination

Have you seen a wasp nest on the roof of your property or on a tree near your home? Since these pests pose a potential danger to you and your family, it is best to destroy their nest without delay. Extermination Pro-Nature certified exterminators can take care of this quickly. Our experienced exterminators use safe and effective methods to exterminate wasps. Avoid taking risks and opt for a professional pest management intervention!

The different types of wasps

Many species of wasps are present in Quebec. Some are said to be solitary, that is, they do not use their stinger or they simply do not have one. Others are called social wasps and use their stinger to protect themselves. Social wasps live in colonies and make a nest made of paper. As for burrowing wasps, they build their nests underground, in a rather sandy soil.
The wasp belongs to the order Hymenoptera and is characterized by its yellow and black color. It has two pairs of membranous wings more or less translucent as well as a mouthpiece of the crusher-licker type. It can measure from 12 to 17 millimeters. A wasp goes through a set of transformations before becoming a mature insect from either an egg, to a larva, and a nymph in the adult stage. The wasp therefore undergoes a few stages of metamorphosis before reaching its last stage of growth.

What really attracts wasps?

A few elements usually attract the interest of wasps. These include:

  1. Protein: This is why you will find wasps lurking around dead meats and animals.
  2. Nectar and sugar: wasps do feed on nectar just like bees.
  3. Fruits: wasps eat, indeed, fruit. Some of them prefer to gorge themselves on fermented fruit.
  4. Perfume: in general, wasps are not attracted to perfumes unless it has a sweet smell or if you wear a floral patterned suit.
  5. Brightly colored clothing: Some colors are very attractive to wasps such as yellow, orange and red.

If you discover a wasp nest on your property, call on our professional exterminators to get rid of it.

The life cycle of wasps

The life cycle of the wasp begins when a fertilized queen begins to build her nest. It lays the first eggs in a socket and raises the larvae that come out of it.
The food requirements are twofold: meat substances for larvae (insect corpses, meat fragments, etc.) and for adults, sweet materials or animal or vegetable proteins. To feed the larvae, adult wasps capture very large quantities of flies, caterpillars and other insects.

The consequences of a wasp sting

Wasp stings are painful and can even be dangerous to a person’s life. Toxic or allergic reactions may result from a wasp sting and require prompt medical intervention.

Stinging insect bites are unpleasant and can be distressing, especially if you suffer from multiple bites. Some people are much more sensitive to insect stingers than others. For example, the pain of a sting will be more intense in young children. Be aware that an allergy to insect stingers can appear at any time, even on someone who did not develop an allergy during a previous bite.

A wasp sting can cause redness, swelling or even sometimes itching. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include fainting, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Given the aggressiveness of the insect and possible allergic reactions, it is strongly discouraged to intervene yourself to destroy a wasp nest. In order to safely and permanently get rid of a nest, it is recommended to use professional exterminators who are trained, experienced and certified for the application of the appropriate products.

How are wasp infestations treated?

When the wasp exterminator intervenes, he is dressed in a special suit or tunic, gloves and a veil hat with mosquito net. Each part of the garment provides maximum protection against bites while leaving total freedom of movement to the exterminator. After locating the wasp nest and estimating the colony, the exterminator:

  1. Spray a specific insecticide to exterminate wasps, then unhook the wasp nest safely.
  2. Carry the bee-eater in a bag to the premises of Extermination Pro-Nature.

The extermination of wasp nests requires the intervention of professional exterminators with recognized know-how in this type of pest management.
The treatments carried out by our exterminators remain risk-free. Our methods are tested and certified without harmful effects for our exterminators and our customers. Extermination Pro-Nature holds the required permit issued by the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change and each of our exterminators has the appropriate certificates and training to work in this field.

Some natural repellents to keep wasps away

Wasps do not tolerate strong odors. What may seem harmless to our nose is, in fact, incredibly irritating to them. For example, the smell of vinegar can affect various parts of their vital functions and behavior in general.
To keep wasps away from your property, here are 10 ideas for natural repellents proposed by our wasp exterminator experts .

  1. Cinnamon;
  2. Citrus peel;
  3. Coconut oil;
  4. Peppermint essential oil;
  5. Pieces of cotton scented with mint;
  6. White vinegar;
  7. Alum stone;
  8. Tobacco;
  9. Lavender;
  10. Chestnuts.

When you choose the services of a professional wasp exterminator , you also receive sound advice to permanently get rid of wasps and avoid any new infestation.

Why choose Extermination Pro-Nature?

Extermination Pro-Nature offers you:

  1. efficient spider exterminators with recognized know-how;
  2. specialists in the extermination of spiders;
  3. outstanding customer service;
  4. personalized treatment according to your situation;
  5. an optimal guarantee;
  6. preventive advice;
  7. a free quote;
  8. a detailed analysis report.

An efficient pest management service so you can have peace of mind!

A visit from our exterminator is a must

For definitive and effective results, call the professionals of Extermination Pro-Nature who are equipped to exterminate wasp nests. You will see that the intervention of our specialists will prove very useful and that you will finally be rid of these invasive insects.
Contact the professional exterminators of Extermination Pro-Nature without further delay to treat a wasp infestation!

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