Exterminators of carpenter ants

Do you suspect a carpenter ant infestation inside your home? Our exterminators are specialized in the treatment of carpenter ants and will eliminate these invasive insects to put an end to your problem permanently. The Extermination Pro-Nature team offers you a personalized service adapted to your needs. Our exterminators favor the use of products with low environmental impact to ensure an effective and safe treatment against carpenter ants. They are also your best ally to quickly get rid of these pests. Opt for peace of mind and choose the experts at Extermination Pro-Nature to solve your carpenter ant problem!

The carpenter ant: a harmful insect

The carpenter ant causes many frequent infestation problems in Quebec. This pest is detailed in 5 different species. In general, the carpenter ant is black with some brownish or reddish hues. It measures between 6 and 25 millimeters in length and has fairly rounded and segmented antennas. During the mating period, male and female carpenter ants are winged. Have you seen this type of ants in your home? Be aware that this does not necessarily mean that the colony’s nest is inside your property. A first inspection by our carpenter ant exterminators can give you the right time on this subject.

Lifestyle habits of the carpenter ant

Hollow tree, stump, log, dead trunk, the carpenter ant is particularly fond of dead and wet wood to establish its nest. It builds long galleries and tunnels where a colony of 2000 to 3000 workers can live. Contrary to popular belief, the carpenter ant does not eat wood, rather it rejects it outside its galleries in the form of fine chips. This process is at the origin of the small piles of sawdust that can be noticed during an infestation of carpenter ants. As for its diet, this insect feeds on both plant and animal matter. Sweet and protein foods will easily attract workers in search of food inside and outside homes.

Life cycle of the carpenter ant

The mating period takes place in spring. This is when carpenter ant queen awakens and leave the nest to mate. These flying ants are fertilized by the male in flight. They then lose their wings and take refuge in a safe place of the anthill to lay their eggs. The queen can lay dozens of eggs per year. The population of the nest usually reaches 2000 individuals after 3 years. A queen can live up to 17 years while workers have a much shorter lifespan of 7 years.

Real estate hidden defect and carpenter ant

In Quebec, in the context of real estate transactions, the carpenter ant is the only insect pest that can be considered a hidden defect. If the presence of carpenter ants is detected after the real estate transaction and the appearance of the nest is prior to the purchase, the buyer can take legal action against the seller. Financial compensation to the buyer is usually the result of such a dispute. This amount is used for the costs of the carpenter ant exterminator or for the damage caused by these invasive insects.

The difference between a carpenter ant and a termite

Did you know that many people frequently confuse carpenter ants with termites? However, it remains easy to distinguish these two opposing species. In fact, the antennae of termites are straight while those of carpenter ants are rather rounded. In addition, the carpenter ant has a body and a much thinner waist than a termite. The latter resembles a cockroach and is characterized by its whitish color. Although these two insects attack wood, they have distinct characteristics and the effects of their presence differ. The presence of termites remains quite rare in Quebec, but we find more and more in recent years. This is why it is necessary for a qualified exterminator to examine your property so that you can benefit from the proper treatment.

Damage caused by carpenter ants

Since these pests build galleries in damp wood, they continually damage the structures of your home. When the colony becomes saturated with individuals, carpenter ants increase the area of their nest which causes more damage. In the long term, the presence of carpenter ants in your home can cause weakening of walls, floors, roofs and even lowered windows. The frame of your property is also extremely weakened by this insect. If the carpenter ant problem is noticed late, the cost of repairing the damage can quickly quantify. Even if you are not sure if the nest of these unwanted insects is inside your home, do not hesitate to contact the exterminators of Extermination Pro-Nature to find out what to expect.

What are the clues of the presence of carpenter ants in your home?

There are several signs that you are dealing with a carpenter ant infestation. Have you noticed ants circulating inside or outside your property? Are small piles of sawdust common in certain places on the floor of your home? These two elements can betray the presence of a carpenter ant nest. Another important detail to consider is the mating period of carpenter ants that takes place in the spring. As ants lose their wings during this period, you may notice many wings accumulated at a specific location inside your property. Our carpenter ant exterminators are here to analyze the situation and determine what you need.

Why resort to a carpenter ant exterminator?

Our experienced carpenter ant exterminators have the appropriate skills and training to work in this field. Know that our company holds the required permit issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques to use the products necessary to exterminate carpenter ants. These products are biodegradable, safe and not harmful to your health or that of your pets.

Tips to prevent a carpenter ant infestation

Since the majority of carpenter ants enter your home in order to find food and wet wood to build their nests, you can put in place a few simple tricks to prevent a future infestation.
We advise you to:

  1. Avoid the accumulation of rotten wood around your home;
  2. Remedy any moisture problems in your home;
  3. Pay particular attention to water infiltration;
  4. Store food in airtight containers;
  5. Keep the inside of your home clean;
  6. Caulk all cracks in doors and windows where carpenter ants could infiltrate;
  7. Repair cracks in the exterior siding;
  8. Cut off the branches of trees or shrubs that touch the house.

Opt for the services of our exterminators and receive sound advice to avoid a second carpenter ant infestation!

Why choose Extermination Pro-Nature?

Extermination Pro-Nature offers you:

  1. efficient exterminators with recognized know-how;
  2. specialists in the extermination of carpenter ants;
  3. outstanding customer service;
  4. personalized treatment according to your situation;
  5. an optimal guarantee;
  6. preventive advice;
  7. a free quote;
  8. a detailed analysis report.

An efficient pest management service so you can have peace of mind!

A visit from our exterminator is a must

Our carpenter ant exterminators are at your service to get rid of these pests in a sustainable way. They have in hand all the necessary tools as well as the safest products for a treatment adapted to your situation. The Extermination Pro-Nature team will carry out the necessary work successfully, guaranteed!

Contact Extermination Pro-Nature’s qualified exterminators without further delay to solve your carpenter ant infestation problem!

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