Whether you are struggling with an infestation of mice, carpenter ants, bed bugs or other parasites, simply contact a specialized extermination company to solve your problem. This is the simplest and most effective solution to get rid of pests that have taken up residence in your property. However, it can be difficult to select a pest management company that will meet your expectations and needs.

So, how to make a wise choice in order to benefit from the services of a trusted exterminator? You will simply need to:

  1. Check the qualifications of the exterminator;
  2. Analyze the customer service offered by the company;
  3. Ask relevant questions to the exterminator;
  4. Obtain information on the progress of the work;
  5. Ask for references.

This way, you will have the right time and you will choose the best extermination service in your area. Let us explain it in more detail.

Check the exterminator's qualifications

First of all, you should know that an exterminator takes care of eliminating certain animals or insect pests using special treatments or specialized techniques.

To practice this profession, he must hold the required permit issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques. This permit gives him permission to use pesticides in his work.

The extermination expert also has in-depth knowledge of infestation problems in Quebec and uses appropriate control methods. He also has recognized training to work in the field.

A simple check during a call could help you identify the qualifications of the exterminator concerned.

Pest Management Permit

The permit mentioned above consists of a mandatory and necessary certification for the practice of the profession of exterminator. To use the services of an exterminator safely, validate this information from the first contact. You can also check if pesticides proposed to treat your infestation problem are registered with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada.

Experience in extermination

Do not hesitate to inquire about the experience of the exterminator depending on the type of infestation. Are you looking for an expert in the extermination of carpenter ants? Make sure the exterminator is familiar with this infestation problem. Sometimes, customer testimonials on the website could guide you. In addition, choose an exterminator that will help you eradicate the presence of pests, but also prevent any future infestation.

Analyze the company's customer service in pest management

The majority of pest management companies offer you a free quote. During your call, find out about it and ask any questions about your infestation problem. Are you talking to a patient, courteous and professional person? This is a good indicator of the quality of customer service.

If the exterminator conducts an initial analysis on site, you will be able to see if he is inclined to answer your questions. He explains precisely the lifestyle and the damage caused by the parasite that invaded your home? Taking the time to talk about your infestation problem remains the key to excellent customer service. The exterminator ensures that you understand the work that will be done.

Detailed Pest Management Contract

Before signing your service contract with the chosen company, check all the clauses of the contract. The latter should contain, among other things:

  1. The places to be treated;
  2. The type of treatment;
  3. The reason for choosing this treatment;
  4. The names of the products used, if applicable;

In addition, a guarantee is usually offered depending on the nature of the infestation. A certain period of time may then be written into your contract.

Ask the right questions to the exterminator

Are you about to contact a professional exterminator to fight against the pests that have infested your home? Record all of your questions on a piece of paper before making the call. Here are a few that are essential to discuss:

  1. Have you ever treated this type of infestation?
  2. Do you have the necessary license or training to practice in the field?
  3. What treatment do you recommend?
  4. Are there safe product options?
  5. How long will the procedure last?
  6. What will be the cost of such an operation?
  7. How quickly can you proceed?
  8. What is the warranty offered?
  9. Can you provide me with a free quote?

Gather the information and once the call is over, take the time to analyze the answers to make an informed choice.

Tips to prevent a pest infestation

A qualified exterminator will not only deal with your infestation problem. He will carefully explain how to avoid a situation like this again. As an example, if an expert proceeds with an extermination of mice, he will certainly suggest that you caulk all the cracks, holes or crevices, where these rodents can sneak in.

He may also be able to advise you on certain work or repairs to be done depending on the type of infestation. Be aware that a water leak can cause excess moisture and attract certain pests. This is why the exterminator will take the time to inform you about it and submit his recommendations.

Find out about the progress of extermination work

Be aware that experienced exterminators will give you specific instructions to follow before exterminating parasites. They will certainly ask you to prepare the premises adequately. For example, this could include:

  1. Clean targeted parts;
  2. Discard contaminated food when treated with pesticides;
  3. Empty drawers of infected furniture and cupboards;
  4. Move furniture that could interfere with the movement of exterminators.

Depending on the extermination procedure determined, you will therefore have to follow special guidelines for optimal treatment.
Do not forget to ask if you should leave the house or not during the intervention of the exterminator. If this is the case, find out about the duration of treatment.

Request references

To choose a trusted exterminator, you can ask for references in your entourage. If neighbours have used a particular company and the work done has been successful, it may be a good idea to contact the same company.

However, do not stop at this element to choose a pest management company. Even if you do not have a reference from your neighbors or your entourage, many competent exterminators remain within your reach.

In summary, you just need to make a few checks to know the profile of the selected exterminator. By following these steps, you ensure that you are dealing with an exterminator with advanced techniques and recognized skills.

Good communication is the key to choosing a trusted exterminator !

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