In Quebec, 8 species of bats live side by side, including the little brown bat, which is the most common. These flying mammals frequent a wide variety of habitats such as wooded areas, urban areas and abandoned caves. Being a nocturnal animal, the bat feeds at night on a multitude of insects. Indeed, it is known to play an important role in the environment since it can devour more than 500 insects in just 1 hour! Even if the presence of bats is positive for the environment, it can become a danger when it settles near your property. Different methods exist to prevent this winged mammal from establishing itself inside your attic or around the roof of your home. On the other hand, if bats have already infested your home, it is still best to contact a certified exterminator who will capture bats safely.

Why repel bats?

In Canada, since 2014, 3 species of bats are protected under the federal Species at Risk Act :

  1. Little Brown Myotis;
  2. Tri-colored Bat;
  3. The Northern Bat.

The preservation of these species is of great importance as they support biodiversity and maintain ecosystems. It is therefore impossible to eliminate them. Instead, traps or capture methods that are safe for the animal should be used.

The presence of bats cannot be tolerated inside your home or under the siding of your home. It is strongly recommended to keep them away since they can lead to many complications.

For reasons of hygiene and health, it is therefore recommended to put in place certain tricks not to maintain such unwanted roommates.

Avoid damage to your property

Bats can cause, among other things, considerable damage to your property. They can carry bedbugs and thus infest your home. You will then have to solve two infestation problems instead of one, which generates additional costs and many inconveniences.

Bats also leave traces of their passage through their droppings which, when they accumulate, deteriorate and contaminate the interior of your property. The insulation of your home can also be damaged during the construction of their nest.

It is therefore wise to repel these nocturnal animals as soon as possible.

Protecting your family and pets

Another consideration is the potential danger posed by bat droppings, called guano. The accumulation of these droppings leads to strong foul odors and can cause the appearance of a particular fungus.

Histoplasma capsulatum is a fungus that can trigger infectious lung disease within 5 to 10 days of inhaling spores in humans.

It should also be known that when the bat bites or scratches a person, the rabies virus can be transmitted. It is an incurable and fatal disease that can be caused by the smallest of bites or scratches. Not all bats carry rabies, but it is important not to encourage their presence near humans.

Eliminate the presence of bats

Have you noticed bats flying around your home? This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dealing with a bat infestation. However, it is better to put in place some tricks to repel them.

Be aware that there are several methods to scare them away. All these techniques remain safe for the animal and are completely natural. Most of them are easy to apply and simple to master.

It is enough to base oneself on the lifestyle of this pest in order to set up effective means to hunt it.

Favor LED lighting

Known for hating light, the bat stays away from all light sources. Moreover, this is the reason why it prefers to nest in dark places during the day.

In order to prevent these nocturnal animals from approaching your residence, keep your garden lights on at night. The ideal is to illuminate all sides of your home to ensure effective protection.

Do not hesitate to use LED bulbs that consume much less electricity than traditional bulbs. Also be aware that this type of lighting does not compromise on the brightness offered.

Using an ultrasonic transmitter

In general, for a hundred dollars, you can get an ultrasound machine to eliminate the presence of bats. The sound signals emitted by this machine remain inaudible to humans, but extremely unpleasant to bats. As these animals seek tranquility and flee noisy places, they will quickly decamp. Install this device outdoors and let it run continuously. Be aware, however, that the effectiveness of this technique is not guaranteed since the range of the sound signal may be limited.

Use natural repellents

Here is a very affordable and easy to set up option to keep bats away from your property. Just use some natural repellents such as:

  1. Eucalyptus;
  2. Naphthalene
  3. Eucalyptus or mint essential oils.

These odors will irritate bats and force them to leave your home. Moreover, naphthalene releases a substance that makes the respiratory functions of the animal very uncomfortable. He will therefore need to find a place to breathe more easily and will take refuge elsewhere.
These techniques are known to achieve concrete results after their application.

Install bat boxes

Are you planning to install bat boxes? As this nocturnal animal is a real ally in the fight against insects, it can become an asset rather than an undesirable.

The nest boxes allow these winged mammals to shelter and sleep during the day. However, the success of these small bat dwellings depends on several factors.

To maximize your chances of success, you must, among other things:

  1. Install the nest box in early April or late summer;
  2. Choose a place where the sun is shining to maintain a high temperature in the nest box;
  3. Fix the nest box about 3 meters above the ground and preferably on a pole or building;
  4. Avoid placing the nest box near a powerful source of light;
  5. Paint the nest box black or dark brown to increase the temperature inside.

Be well informed about this before installing a bat nest box.

Calling in a bat exterminator

Why not ask an expert in the field to get rid of bats? Indeed, a qualified exterminator can come and visit your property and offer you various tips to hunt these unwanted animals.

It can even validate if you only have a few winged companions or if you are facing a real infestation. If so, know that professional exterminators have the most effective techniques to trap bats quickly and safely.

Optimally develop your property

The bat likes to hibernate in dark and warm places, which is why it enters homes in winter. So you just have to make your home unwelcoming for the animal to repel it.

Here are some things you might want to consider:

  1. Plug all potential entry points;
  2. Arrange the attic to make it habitable and bright;
  3. Install screens on windows;

Pair it with bright outdoor lighting and you’ll keep bats away from your property.

Thanks to all these tips, you will be able to avoid the presence of bats near your living areas. However, if you think you are struggling with a bat infestation, do not hesitate to contact an exterminator to solve your problem quickly and easily!

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