Pigeon exterminator

The presence of pigeons did not bother you until the day they took up residence on your balcony or on the roof of your business? These animals can, indeed, cause many worries and become a daily nuisance.

This is why the Extermination Pro-Nature team specializes in exterminating pigeons in order to permanently keep these birds away. Our exterminators modify the pigeon’s environment and install means of control to drive it out of the area, and this, in an honest way. We therefore favour integrated pest management because under no circumstances do we kill these animals.

When exterminating pigeons, our goal is to stop their proliferation and offer you a free and clean space again. So opt for experienced exterminators qualified in bird control to solve your pigeon problem!

The pigeon: an invasive bird in the city

Three species of pigeons are found particularly in Quebec cities: the rock pigeon, the wood pigeon and the pigeon. The rock pigeon is the most common species and can be recognized by its pale gray plumage dotted with green and purple. This bird is also characterized by its small round head and dark blue-gray stocky neck. It can measure between 30 and 36 centimeters.

Pigeons are known to take up residence in the city in the cracks of ledges, on windowsills, in spaces under roofs, bridges or viaducts as well as in rocky places. Pigeon populations are reaching record levels in some North American cities such as New York, where there are more than a million. They also have the reputation of parasite for some peoples such as the Anglo-Saxons who nickname them the “winged rats”.

The behavior of the pigeon

Since the pigeon has virtually no natural predators in the city and food resources are abundant, this makes it very easy to proliferate. It can feed on seeds, crumbs, bread, fruits, vegetables and even cold cuts! Large urban centres therefore offer a well-stocked pantry as well as a multitude of comfortable places to nestle.

In general, the rock pigeon lives from 3 to 6 years in freedom while in captivity, its life expectancy can climb up to 30 years! Most males emit a particular cooing during the breeding season, which begins in spring and lasts approximately until October.

Since the presence of the pigeon can become very harmful, it is recommended to move them away from buildings in order to avoid damage. Our pigeon exterminators will be able to implement effective and safe solutions to repel these invading birds.

Damage caused by the pigeon

The majority of deterioration caused by pigeons comes from their droppings, which are very corrosive. These soil windowsills, balconies, courtyards and roofs. In addition, the acidity of excreta degrades building facades, tar-based roofs, awnings, fences and car paint.

A buildup of feces or a nest can block gutters, air ducts, chimneys or drain pipes. Not to mention that pigeons can become a noise nuisance and foul odors from droppings are very unpleasant.

In order to stop all these inconveniences, do not hesitate to contact our pigeon exterminators who will hunt these birds from your property or business.

Diseases transmitted by pigeons

Pigeons carry some diseases that can be transmitted to humans through their droppings. Most of these diseases develop in the case of inhalation of contaminated feces spores. For example, histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis are infectious diseases caused by a fungus that grows in droppings. The respiration of contaminated spores thus carries health risks for humans. Symptoms such as fatigue, fever, chest pain, may be felt.

The pigeon is also a major carrier of parasites and a vector of germs known since it can transmit, among others, salmonellosis, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.

Don’t take any risks and trust the Extermination Pro-Nature team to get rid of pigeons!

Why is the pigeon a pest?

The pigeon brings many inconveniences, which is why it is considered a pest. The presence of the pigeon can, in fact, cause:

  1. Deterioration of heritage buildings, commercial buildings and residences;
  2. A pestilential smell when excrement accumulates in a specific place;
  3. An infectious disease in humans;
  4. A health problem since pigeons rob garbage cans, steal food from restaurants and contaminate it;
  5. Damage to ventilation systems, drain pipes or chimneys when a nest is installed.

We therefore recommend an intervention of our pigeon exterminators to limit the proliferation of these birds and thus allow you to avoid significant damage.

Do I need the services of a pigeon exterminator?

Several techniques exist to get rid of the presence of pigeons yourself. It is therefore possible to do so, but it can be difficult. With the help of a pigeon exterminator, you triple your chances of success!
Our professionals will know how to choose the best strategy and appropriate methods to avoid the return of these pests. Calling on a specialist in the field also gives you peace of mind and quick results!

What means of control can I use to scare away pigeons?

Here are some tips if you still want to try to get rid of pigeons on your own. You could try to:

  1. Remove any elements that allow pigeons to roost;
  2. Seal crevices, openings and entrances near windows and roof;
  3. Install grids on water sources;
  4. Avoid leaving food outside;
  5. Keep garbage cans tightly closed on a daily basis;
  6. Place erect rods or adhesive paste in the case of a flat roof or cornice.

You’ve tried these few techniques, but the pigeons always come back? Know that our pigeon exterminators remain at your disposal to do the job safely and safely for the animal.

Why use a pigeon exterminator?

The best way to keep pigeons away sustainably is to call on a certified exterminator. At Extermination Pro-Nature , our specialists have the skills and tools to treat your pigeon problem optimally. Depending on your situation, they will offer you a service adapted to your needs.
Know that our company holds the permit of the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change to work in the field. Trusting our pigeon exterminators ensures a job well done, fast, affordable and safe!

Why choose Extermination Pro-Nature?

Extermination Pro-Nature offers you:

  1. efficient pigeon exterminators with recognized know-how;
  2. specialists in the extermination of pigeons;
  3. outstanding customer service;
  4. personalized treatment according to your situation;
  5. an optimal guarantee;
  6. preventive advice;
  7. a free quote;
  8. a detailed analysis report.

An efficient pest management service so you can have peace of mind!

Extermination of pigeons safe for the animal

To repel pigeons effectively, trust our experienced pigeon exterminators. They will use recognized control methods that are safe for the animal. For a sustainable solution, choose our exterminators who will also share the best prevention measures to put in place to avoid the arrival of a new population of pigeons.
Contact the qualified exterminators of Extermination Pro-Nature without further delay to chase pigeons from your property!

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