Marmot extermination experts

Refuse to be invaded by marmots!

This large rodent has a brown/gray coat, but can pull on yellowish. The groundhog is quite stocky, its head seems flattened and its neck absent.

Why are they a concern and a nuisance?

Why is the groundhog harmful?

  1. The groundhog can have litters of five (05) to nine (09) young per year and therefore, invade a territory and become uncontrollable.
  2. Marmots can easily destroy your land or eat your food in the garden;
  3. Marmots dig a lot of burrows; can reach up to four hundred burrows per hectare;
  4. They can cause significant erosion of the land, changing its appearance
  5. A groundhog can therefore be the source of considerable damage to vegetation and can ruin an entire farm.

How to recognize marmots and what is their life cycle?

The male and female are almost identical, they measure 45 to 70 cm plus the tail which lengthens them by 10 to 18 cm.

On the top of the tip of the muzzle, one can see a pale circular spot above which the black eyes scrutinize excellently.
Its hind legs have five ordinary claws, those in front only four, but they are particularly strong, because it is with them that they dig their galleries.
From the first frosts, the groundhog closes itself for the entire cold season. As soon as hibernation is over, around April, the marmot mates and four weeks later, it will probably have a litter of four additional small marmots, ready to feed and dig!

What is the habitat of the marmot?

The prairie is its natural habitat, it loves small escarpments such as hillsides, ditches, rock piles and sand mounds. It flees excess moisture, woodlands and swamps and remains below 200 meters of altitude. As an expert in gallery construction, she is able to move a quarter ton of earth to dig her burrow in just a few days.

Its landmark has a master bedroom covered with dry grass that is used for sleeping and raising young. The different galleries offer him several exits.

Pharaoh ants

This invasive species can easily be recognized by its almost transparent color. She measures 1.5 to 2 millimeters and loves to take up residence in hot and humid places. In addition, since pharaoh ants feed on a little bit of everything, frying, sweet foods, meats, fruits, moldy products, it is not uncommon for them to settle inside homes, restaurants or greenhouses. They are also very difficult to control since they are resistant to many products available on the market. This pest also carries germs and can leave dirt on your edible food. This is why it is essential to call on an expert to eliminate the infestation of pharaoh ants.

What are the possible treatments for a marmot invasion problem?

Here are some simple ways to repel marmots from your homestead:

  1. Motor oil is a repellent for marmots. By pouring a little motor oil into a container between the groundhog’s den and your property you can prevent them from frequenting your property.
  2. Take castor oil, add Tabasco and urine. Impregnate pieces of fabric with this mixture and distribute them in the spaces to be protected against marmots. Ground pepper and ground hot peppers are also smells will keep them away.
  3. Scatter brightly colored objects in your home
  4. We will also move the marmots away from the field, by placing toys like colored balloons in the garden or on the lawn, because sometimes these elements will act as a scarecrow. Marmots do not like bright colors.
  5. Clear potential hiding places (rocks and piles of wood)
  6. Marmots hide behind rocks and piles of wood, however it is necessary to avoid offering them this type of shelter.
  7. Block all forms of access to shelters if you have a shed, one or more balconies or a garden shed and spaces give access to the interior or underground, you must block them to prevent marmots from hiding there. Their bodies can flatten and sneak under minimal space.
  8. Scarecrow balloons: use very light balloons, tied to the ground with a long rope and carried by the wind. The balloons thus tossed around will frighten the marmots.
  9. Automatic watering: there are sprinkler systems on the market with motion sensors. If one or more marmots circulate, this device will trigger the jets of water and the marmots may not like this environment.

If you have a marmot problem on your property, as soon as it first appears, contact an extermination specialist to find a more definitive solution.

Tips to prevent a marmot infestation

Welcoming this rodent mammal on its property may seem nice, because the animal is beautiful erect on its hind legs and it is not aggressive, but you can choose to keep marmots away from your property. In addition, if you are patient, you tell yourself that it is likely that this guest will go away on his own, being only passing through… However, be aware that if she feels good there, it is possible that she decides to put down roots in your home longer.

The marmot is indeed a burrowing rodent, it is in this that it is exceptional, because it digs its galleries a little like moles and it gnaws the vegetables of the gardens by the roots.
Here are three techniques that exterminators would use:

  1. Installation of a cage
  2. Trap installation
  3. Installation of smoke bombs

Contact our exterminators now for more information!

A visit from our exterminator is a must

You are not sure if they are squirrels, call professional exterminators who are equipped to deal with this kind of problem:

  1. Efficient exterminators with recognized know-how (registered, licensed, insured and guaranteed)
  2. Outstanding customer service;
  3. A personalized treatment of optimal guarantee according to your situation;
  4. Preventive advice (instructions for bed bug prevention)
  5. A free quote followed by a detailed analysis report.
  6. High-end equipment (unidentified vehicles for total discretion)

Contact Extermination Pro-Nature’s qualified exterminators without delay to solve your marmot infestation problem!

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